Wow. Well, to quote myself from two years ago, "it's been a while" since I've managed to get back here and post. That has something to do with all the changes our blogging host service has effected and my being practically locked out of my own blogging account for months on end!
But it seems to be kinda-sorta fixed now. I certainly hope. And just in time for a bit of an unfortunate anniversary, since August 31st of this year marks 38 years since WLCS AM 910 (aka "91 WLCS"), Baton Rouge ceased to exist. At six p.m. that evening, with a bunch of the airstaff from the incredible "Summer of 91" present but strangely solemn and quiet in the control room high atop One American Place (Suite 2420, but that doesn't exist any more either since they long ago renumbered the suites), a top-of-hour break rolled the new liner IDs for WXAM ("Stardust" satellite delivery) and... our old friend was gone for good. It continues to exist more or less only in the hearts and minds of Baton Rougeans of a certain age and golden era of BR radio now. But that's a hell of a great place to leave it.
I'm resisting the temptation here to blab on about war stories, funny, tragic, and all in between, or about the great staff we've lost since that time, or my precise memory of every single little thing in that suite from long ago when most days I can't even really remember what yesterday's dinner was. But I wanted to commemorate the anniversary all the same with you, if you were kind enough today to stop in on the blog which accidentally still exists (chuckle). All for the love of the music you remember... from the station that never forgot. :-)