Monday, September 7, 2009

Sad News

It is my unfortunate duty to report that WLCS alum "The Real" Bob Myers, aka "Bob Bishop"-- a name by which he was better known to contemporary Baton Rougeans from his work at Trafficwatch, WYNK and finally Country Legends 107.3 FM, passed away Saturday morning from a heart attack. I have been struggling the last 48 hours to find appropriate words of tribute to Bob, constantly convinced that when I have some, they just don't do him justice.

Suffice to say for now that he was my best friend at Baton Rouge High School and no small part of the reason I "got into" radio broadcasting at WBRH-FM, as well as a friend and colleague at WLCS and in life for years afterward. He was also a unique wit. I can't think of anything more appropriate to say on this news than that he will be greatly missed... and I thank him for being my friend.

-- Zeb


  1. Hey Zebby -

    That is truly sad news. I only sorta knew him at BRH, but then I worked with him at WLCS and Trafficwatch. He was a great guy, and I am better for having to have known him.

    Some memories I have:
    He had a knack for making interesting choices on technology, such as getting big into BetaMax video, AM stereo, and Atari computers.

    He was one of the best "straight man" radio guys I've met, and made me laugh all the time.

    Bob, Margaret Taylor, Mike (can't recall his last name - looks like Jay Leno?), and I were all in the Trafficwatch office watching the Space Shuttle Discovery when it launched. The explosion had a profound impact on all of us.

    We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers, Crazy Bob.

    Dwayne (Adam West)

  2. Dwayne! I'm sorry that it took a tragedy of this magnitude to reunite us, but it's great to hear from you again. I hope you'll email a private message soon and catch me up on where you are and what you're doing these days. I also need to add Adam West to the "The Cast" page on the website!

    I remember Bob's great love of Betamax tapes AND Atari computers; in fact, I still have his first old Atari 400 machine that he sold me for something like 40 bucks when he upgraded to the "new, powerful 800XL!" One of my last communications with him on Facebook, in fact, was an offer to forward a version of one of our old Atari 8-bit favorites I found that used an emulator to run on the PC. I also remember making special trips over to the Trafficwatch offices at lunch JUST to play 8-bit games with him. Those were, as they say, "the days." :)

    And while Bob was a great straight man on air, I think what I'm going to miss most of all about him is his quick delivery of PUNCH lines and cheesy one-liners OFF air, in private conversation. We could trade more puns, bad jokes and downright existentially strange observations in five minutes together than I think most people experience over their entire lives (chuckle).

    And that was an important part of the WLCS experience too; it was more like WKRP in Cincinnati than any other place I've ever done radio. And we have Bob in large part to thank for that. :)

    Email soon, bro... and it's great to see you again (technologically speaking) :)

  3. I'm sorry to hear that Bob Meyers died, but I'm glad to find a tribute to WLCS on the web. :-) I grew up in Baton Rouge (1970s), and WLCS was THE station when I was a kid.
